10 Skills for Regulating Your Nervous System

Nervous system regulation is a buzz these days and for good reason. Neuroscience has taught us so much over the past couple of decades about the malleability of our brains throughout our lifespans and the importance of regulating our central nervous systems as a cornerstone for our wellbeing. This post will provide a definition for the central nervous system and explore 10 secrets for hacking your nervous system to work with you instead of against you.


The central nervous system houses our brain and spinal cord and controls the way we respond to our environments, both physically and mentally. There are a number of components that make up our brains and spinal cords but for the purpose of regulating our nervous systems, we’ll focus on one primary component, the vagus nerve.

The vagus nerve is the body’s longest cranial nerve and runs from the base of our skull to the bottom of our spine. It connects all of our peripheral nerves throughout the torso. It is the central station of the nervous system. Similar to a central train station that dictates where all the trains go, the vagus nerve sends messages out to each of your peripheral nerves about how to perform. Through this process, it regulates our heart rate, breathing, digestion, and so much more. It is clear that if we address our vagus nerve, we can soothe our entire system relatively quickly. This is great news!


One of the most powerful things you can do for yourself when you are feeling upset, exhausted, or overwhelmed is to work on soothing your central nervous system. There are many ways to do this. Here is a list of activities you can try from home to soothe your system and get the support you deserve:

o  Run your hands under cold water for 30 seconds or splash your face with cold water. The temperature shock will help your nervous system to move out of an activated place and reset.

o  Practice havening, a technique where you caress your arms or embrace yourself as a way to offer yourself a holding experience. This helps your body remember that you are safe and cared for.

o  Get moving, outside if possible. A simple walk around the block actually can shift things a lot.

o  Take a 7-11 breath. Breathe in for 7 seconds, hold briefly, and release 11 second.

o  Sing or hum, this stimulates your vagus nerve, signaling calm to your brain.

o  Take a shower, changing the temperature from cold to hot.

o  Don't forget to feed yourself. Nutrients, particularly those from fruits, vegetables, and protein sources, are critical to balanced hormones and blood sugar and aid in holistic systems regulation.

o  Put something weighted over your body while you rest; ideally a weighted blanket but even just a bag of rice over your chest can help in a pinch.

o  Stand in front of a fan and notice your sensory experiences.

o  Chew on something crunchy like ice, carrots, or popcorn.

These are all quick and accessible skills that you can add into your day to day with little effort but gain big results with a little consistency. It truly is amazing how much power we have within to change our thoughts, behaviors, feelings, and reactions when we use the unique power that is blended in a body/mind approach. So, the next time you are out of sorts or just want to enhance your nervous system, try one of these skills and see if it doesn’t shift your internal experience even just a little. After all, learning to regulate yourself has the power to impact others and can ultimately change the world. It’s that powerful! Happy nervous system regulating!



